About Me

I am a statistics/data science researcher and educator. I have been at Marquette University since fall 2020. During 2018-2020, I was doing my postdoctoral research at Rice University with Dr. Marina Vannucci, Dr. Meng Li and Dr. Simon Fischer-Baum on derivative Gaussian processes with applications in Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). I also worked with Shell as a data scientist doing spatial-temporal modeling on oil drilling such as switching dynamical systems. I was a PhD student in Statistics and Applied Mathematics (currently Statistical Science) at University of California, Santa Cruz, advised by Dr. Raquel Prado. Before enjoying California’s sunshine, I studied Economics and Statistics at Indiana University Bloomington (IUB).

I received my bachelor degree in Public Economics at National Chengchi University in my hometown Taipei, Taiwan.

Statistics/Data Science Degree Programs at Marquette

Our Statistics/Data Science programs include

  • Statistical Science Major
  • Data Science Major/Minor
  • Applied Statistics Master
  • Data Science Master
  • Computational and Statistical Sciences Master/PhD

More information can be found in undergraduate and graduate pages. Welcome to send an email to cheng-han.yu@marquette.edu if you would like to discuss the programs with me.


Cheng-Han Yu

Assistant Professor of Statistics at Marquette University